This post is more than two years old.

Trains from Ukraine to Poland – Links to timetables are updated on a daily basis
In a previous post, I explained about the emergency evacuation trains that run from Polish-Ukrainian border train stations to destinations within Poland. The train stations on the Polish side of the Ukrainian border are Chełm, Hrubieszów and Przemyśl.
Timetables – Trains from Ukraine to Poland
The above image of the timetable header is a partial screenshot. You can view the full timetable, updated on a daily basis, at the following web address: (Trains to Poland)
You can also view the timetables in English via Google Translate.
On the above website, you will also find timetables, updated daily, for trains from Ukraine to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania.
The service on the Trains to Poland website is provided by volunteers in Poland.
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