Ambulance Urgently Needed in Ukraine by Rebekah Maciorowski

Ambulance urgently needed in Ukraine.
Ambulance urgently needed in Ukraine to save lives

In English: Ambulance Urgently Needed in Ukraine

American combat medic Rebekah Maciorowski serves with the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the front lines. She urgently needs an ambulance that is not in use, is in Ukraine and is ready to go now. Please contact Rebekah if you can help.

In Polish: Ambulans Pilnie Potrzebny w Ukrainie

Amerykański medyk bojowy Rebekah Maciorowski służy w Siłach Zbrojnych Ukrainy na pierwszej linii frontu. Pilnie potrzebuje karetki, która nie jest obecnie używana, jest w Ukrainie i jest gotowa do drogi. Jeśli możesz pomóc, skontaktuj się z Rebeką.

Regrettably, ambulances, especially those used on the front lines of Ukraine, are consumables due to enemy targeting.

Here is Rebekah Maciorowski’s appeal

Dated 8 August 2023

Please note the ambulance urgently needed in Ukraine needs to be in Ukraine, as Rebekah cannot travel outside the country to collect it.

If you can help, please reply directly to Rebekah via her Twitter account.

Please watch Rebekah’s Twitter account @bekamaciorowski for updates, and when she resolves the situation, I will update you in this post.

External links for Rebekah Maciorowski

Twitter account: @bekamaciorowski

YouTube channel: @rebekahmaciorowski

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